Cream and Pink Rug

Add a splash of color to your patio or inside your home with this beautifully reversible woven area rug made of recycled polypropylene straws.

The rug design is the same on both sides but the colors are reversed.

The tightly woven pattern is very strong while comfortable even when walking barefoot. The colors are UV stabilized to prevent fading and deterioration from sun exposure.

They are washable and be easily cleaned with a hose and soap. Moisture will have no effect and they will not mildew.

The manufacturing process creates no waste; all cuttings and rejected materials are recycled and used to make more rugs. The water used does not come from drinking water resources and it is continuously recycled.

Product ID# 244046

4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'

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Tested: March-30-2025