The Rock Rechargeable Outdoor Light

The ‘'Rock Collection'' outdoor light is based upon ecologically friendly LED technology. It is very efficient, waterproof, nearly unbreakable and can produce a traditional white illumination or select one of seven different colors.

Plug into any regular electrical outlet to charge. A charge will take 5 hours to fully recharge the batteries.

The Stone will produce 5 – 8 hours of light. It has four color selections plus white or can be set to rotate continuously.

The Rock and Rocky have a low, high and medium light settings and will produce 8 – 20 hours of light depending upon the setting the light is set to. They have seven color selections plus white or can be set to rotate continuously.

The LED bulbs have a 50,000 – 80,000 hour life.

The light can be controlled manually by controls on the bottom or by downloading an app to your smartphone.

Product ID# 243001

Stone: 10'' x 10''
Rock: 12'' x 12''
Rocky: 20'' x 20''
Estimated Ship Time: 7-10 days
Stone - 10'' x 10'' - $155.00
Rock - 12'' x 12'' - $230.00
Rocky - 20'' x 20'' - $335.00
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Tested: February-22-2025